Co-editor and contributor with Lisa Giombini
The Routledge Companion to The Philosophy of Architectural Reconstruction
London-New York: Routledge, 2024
ISBN: 978 1 032 36831 3
Co-editor and contributor with Max Ryynänen
Aesthetic Theory Across the Disciplines
Lanham-Boulder-New York-London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023
ISBN: 978 1 5381 7659 7
Single author
Reviewing the Past. The Presence of Ruins
London-New York: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2020
ISBN: 978 1 78660 761 4
Co-editor and contributor with Max Ryynänen
Aesthetics in Dialogue. Applying Philosophy of Art in a Global World
Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020
ISBN: 978 3 631 79218 6
Co-author with Max Ryynänen
Learning from decay. Essays on the Aesthetics of Architectural Dereliction and Its Consumption
Berlin: Peter Lang, 2018
ISBN: 978 3 631 74404 8
Editor and contributor
Retracing the past. Historical continuity in aesthetics from a global perspective
International Yearbook of Aesthetics, Volume 19, 2017
Santa Cruz, California: International Association for Aesthetics, 2017
ISBN: 978 0 692 04826 9
Single author
„A kifürkészhetetlen Túlnan” – A tájkép a német romantikában
(“The Impenetrable Beyond” – The Landscape in German Romanticism)
Budapest: Kijárat Kiadó, 2011
ISBN: 978 615 5160 07 3
Single author
A tájkép útjai. Vándorlások egy műfaj körül
(The ways of Landscape. Walkabouts Around a Genre)
Budapest: Vince Kiadó, 2008
ISBN: 978 963 9731 77 6
The Szalóky Collection
Budapest: Garbo Publisher, 2011
ISBN: 978 615 5007 16 3
Journal thematic issue guest editing:
The Polish Journal of Aesthetics 59 (2020/4)
Leading theme: Revisiting Historical Intersections in Art and Aesthetics
Link of the volume
AM Journal of Art and Media Studies 31 (2023)
Main Topic: The Concept of “Influence” in Art and Aesthetics
Link of the volume
Papers in peer reviewed journals and in academic periodicals:
“The Changing Modes and Manifestations of Ruination. Nostalgia for Classical Decay,” The Polish Journal of Aesthetics 69-70 (2023/2-3): 33-44
“Context and Interference: Influences in the Perception, Aesthetic Experience, and Interpretation of Exhibitions,” AM Journal of Art and Media Studies 31 (2023): 67-81
“Cultural Complexities and their Environment: Investigations of Code-Switching in Contemporary Visual Arts,” Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 7 (2023/2): 27–35
“Space-making and aesthetics: Adaptive restoration, new functions and their experience in architecture,” Enrahonar. An International Journal of Theoretical and Practical Reason 69 (2022): 85-103
“Avant-Garde anatomy: dissection and re-composition of art and its history in the works of Milorad Krstić,” Argument. Biannual Philosophical Journal 12 (2022/1): 201-213
“Moving Architecture. Aesthetics Around the Changing Context and Status of Constructions,” The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 63 (2022): 84-105 (later invited by the editors to be re-published in Hungarian in the journal “Café Bábel”, Vol. 86, (2024): 88-101)
“Beyond the Artist’s Voyage. The Aesthetic Necessity of Travel,” The Polish Journal of Aesthetics 65 (2022/2): 13-27
“Valuing and Revaluing the City. Interpreting Art and Urban Regeneration with Mario Perniola,” Ágalma – Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica fondata da Mario Perniola 43 (April 2022): 85-94
“From fragile heritage to the fragility of heritage models: diverse answers to pressing ethical and aesthetic questions,” Diogenes 64 (2022/1-2): 73-76
“From Densely Filled Vistas to Empty Piazzas. City Images Interpreting the Oscillating Dynamisms of Urban Reality,” On the W@aterfront. Public art, Urban Design, Civic Participation, Urban Regeneration 63 (2021/4): 3-35
“From Mistaking Fakeness to Mistake in Fakeness. Artificial Ruins Between Aesthetics and Deception,” Studi di estetica XLIX (2021/1): 59-74
“On Some Novel Encounters with Fine Arts. Where to Search for Aesthetics and Where Aesthetics May Have Something to (Re)search,” ESPES. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 9 (2020/2): 23-31
“The Past as a Springboard for Understanding the Present. Classical Motifs in Contemporary Art through Examples from the MENA Region and Asia,” The Polish Journal of Aesthetics 59 (2020/4): 77-91
“Empty pages and full stops: On the aesthetic relation between books and art,” AM Journal of Art and Media Studies 19 (2019): 69-75
“The city as experience and inspiration. Critical reflections on urbanity in contemporary art,” Argument. Biannual Philosophical Journal Vol. 8. (2018/2): 257-271
“From the public nature of art to the nature of public art. Considerations on the changing spaces and modes of exhibiting,” Serbian Architectural Journal Vol. 9. (2017/2): 191-200
“The painter in the landscape. Aesthetic considerations on a pictorial sub-genre,” in: Zoltán Somhegyi (ed.): Retracing the past. Historical continuity in aesthetics from a global perspective. International Yearbook of Aesthetics, Volume 19, (2017). Santa Cruz, California, 2017: 42-53
“Mother Nature’s Exhibition: On the Origins of the Aesthetics of Contemporary Northern Landscapes,” The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 52 (2016): 28-50
“Multi-ethnicity as source of inspiration. Contemporary examples from the former Ottoman Empire and beyond,” Parol. Quaderni d’Arte e di Epistemologia Vol. 27, (2016): 129-136
“Mi marad abból, ami megmaradt? A romtalanítás ellen” (What remains of that which has remained? Against the eradication of ruins), Ókor. Folyóirat az Antik kultúrákról – Antiquity. Journal on Antique cultures, 2016/4: 3-10
“Learning from Detroit? – From materialised dreams to bitter awakening. Aesthetics around decayed shopping malls,” Serbian Architectural Journal Vol. 7. (2015/2): 201-212
“The Aesthetic Attraction of Decay. From the Nature of Ruins to the Ruins of Nature,” in: Krystyna Wilkoszewska (ed.): Aesthetics in Action. International Yearbook of Aesthetics Vol. 18 (2014). Krakow, 2015: 319-326
“Eternal Distance. On the Significance of Window- and Cave Representations in Northern Romanticism,” The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 48 (2014): 60-73
“From Nature to Identity: Contemporary Asian Photography,” The Journal of Asian Arts & Aesthetics Vol. 5. (2014): 53-61
“Art (out) of separation. Aesthetics around the wall,” Serbian Architectural Journal Vol. 6. (2014/1): 17-28 (later invited by the editors to be re-published in Hungarian in the journal “2000”, 2015/August: 20-25)
“Ruines contemporaines. Réflexion sur une contradiction dans les termes” (Contemporary ruins. Investigations of a contradiction in terms), Nouvelle Revue d’Esthétique 13 (2014/1): 111-119
(a shorter version of this paper also appeared as: Contemporary ruins: a contradiction in terms. in: TICCIH Bulletin (The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage), 67, 2015/1:
“From Domination to Respect. The Evaluation of Nature through its Representation from Enlightenment to Romanticism,” in: Jale Erzen and Raffaele Milani (ed.): Nature and the City. Beauty is Taking on a New Form. International Yearbook of Aesthetics, Vol. 17 (2013). Sassari, 2013: 457-462
“Az ünnep értelmezése” (On the philosophy of Rudolf Bohren and Hans-Georg Gadamer), Theológiai szemle 2005/4: 226-228
“Az önmagát szagoló illat kritikája” (The critique of the fragrance that smells itself. The art theory and artworks of Leó Popper), Ars Hungarica 2005/2: 419-436
Book chapters:
“Ruins Around Caspar David Friedrich. Changing Pictorial Aspects of Decaying Heritage,” in Ästhetische Kommunikation in Europe 1700-1850 – Aesthetic Communication in Europe 1700-1850, Hallesche Beiträge zur Europäischen Aufklärung, Band 74, eds. Gergely Fórizs, Piroska Balogh, Katalin Bartha-Kovács and Botond Csuka (Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter, 2025), 123-134
“Nostalgia and Ruins,” in The Routledge Handbook of Nostalgia, eds. Tobias Becker and Dylan Trigg (London-New York: Routledge, 2025), 427-439
“How to conserve a fake ruin? Heritage dilemmas between aesthetics and practice,” in The Routledge Companion to The Philosophy of Architectural Reconstruction, ed. Zoltán Somhegyi and Lisa Giombini (London-New York: Routledge, 2024), 123-134
“From Nostalgia to Solastalgia. On the Relevance of Mourning and Longing in Understanding the Environmental Crisis,” in Heritage: Transforming Landscapes Through the Arts and Technology, ed. Luiz Oosterbeek (Mação: Instituto Terra e Memória – Arkeos. Perspetivas em Diálogo vol. 57., 2024), 104-124
“Aesthetics and Art History,” in Aesthetic Theory Across the Disciplines, eds. Max Ryynänen and Zoltán Somhegyi (Lanham-Boulder-New York-London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023), 141-158
“Painting Wind: On Some Sublime Aspects of Art and Nature,” in The Imagery of Wind, ed. Junko Ninagawa (Tokyo: Sangensha, 2023; ISBN: 978-4-88303-578-6), 203-217
“The use and usefulness of unused spaces: Neglected urban environment in changing perspectives,” in Applying Aesthetics to Everyday Life. Methodologies, History and New Directions, eds. Lisa Giombini and Adrián Kvokačka (London–New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023), 116-130
“From Ruins to the Ruins of Ruins. The Challenging Afterlife of Architectural Dereliction,” in Ruinen und Vergessene Orte. Materialität im Verfall – Nachnutzungen – Umdeutungen, eds. Joachim Otto Habeck and Frank Schmitz (Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2023), 45-55
“Learning, Playing, Creating. On the Diverse Forms of Early Art Appreciation,” in The Journal of New Child Studies 4, (Vol. 4. of an annual book series, ISBN: 978-7-5598-5254-0), eds. Binxian Zhang, Wei Yu, Xiaodong Liu and Zhenyu Gao (Hangzhou: Hangzhou Normal University, 2023), 236-241 (in Chinese, with English abstract)
“The Humanities, Museums and Art: Reflections on Institutional Challenges and Interdisciplinary Opportunities in the 21st Century,” in Proceedings of the European Humanities Conference – ARKEOS – Perspetivas em Diálogo, vol. 56, eds. Luiz Oosterbeek, Rosi Braidotti, Henrique Leitão, Rosário Costa (Mação, Portugal: UNESCO, CIPSH, FCT, ITM, série ARKEOS, 2023), 271-281
“Contemporary Art and Children. Possibilities and Challenges of the Education of Visual Art Appreciation in Art Exhibitions and Art Fairs,” in The Journal of New Child Studies 3, (Vol. 3. of an annual book series, ISBN: 978-7-5598-5254-0), eds. Binxian Zhang, Wei Yu, Xiaodong Liu and Zhenyu Gao (Hangzhou: Hangzhou Normal University, 2022), 157-166 (in Chinese, with English abstract)
“Aesthetics and Environmental Dereliction. The Ambiguous Sublimity of Destroyed Environments,” in Everydayness. Contemporary Aesthetic Approaches, eds. Lisa Giombini and Adrián Kvokačka (Roma: Roma Tre Press – Prešov: University of Prešov, 2021), 43-52
“Aesthetic Prospects and Prospects of the Aesthetic: Variations on the Sublime in Natural and Altered Environments,” in Aesthetics in Dialogue. Applying Philosophy of Art in a Global World, eds. Zoltán Somhegyi and Max Ryynänen (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020), 289-298
“The (Future of the) Ruins in the United Arab Emirates,” in Philosophical Perspectives on Ruins, Monuments, and Memorials, eds. Jeanette Bicknell, Jennifer Judkins and Carolyn Korsmeyer (New York-London: Routledge, 2020), 166-174
“Mercury. The Works of Martin C. Herbst,” in Mercury. ed. Martin C. Herbst (Wien: 2020), 161-177
“The Human Image seen through the history of exhibiting,” in The Human Image in a Changing World. Proceedings of the 5th World Humanities Forum, Busan, South Korea October 31 – November 2, 2018 (Seoul, South Korea: World Humanities Forum, 2018), 621-626
“Térré vált idő. Orhan Pamuk és az emlékezés múzeumai,” (Time turned into space. Orhan Pamuk and the museums of memory) in Töredékes dialektika (Festschrift for János Weiss), eds. Judit Bartha and Zoltán Gyenge (Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2017), 249-257
“On Knights and Nymphs. Considerations on the Representation of Couples in German Romanticism,” in Jale Erzen. Book of Testimonial, ed. Ayşen Savaş and Sevin Osmay (Ankara: Middle East Technical University, 2017), 68-75
“Design and the Audience. On the Questions of Presentation in Contemporary Museums,” in A New Affair: Design History and Digital Design Museum, ed. Tevfik Balcıoğlu and Gülsüm Baydar (Izmir: 5T-Yasar University, 2014), 42-49
“Art Market Budapest: On Ways of Cooperation Between For- and Nonprofit Art Sectors,” in Contemporary Art Market: Passion? Speculation?, ed. Elisabeth Károlyi (Budapest: Helikon – Joseph Károlyi Foundation, 2013), 216-221
“Artist of the Reality that Never Was. Ádám Magyar,” in Hungarian Art Photography in the New Millennium. Exh. cat., ed. Péter Baki (Budapest: Hungarian National Gallery, 2013), 255-257
“Goethe és az antik puzzle” (Goethe and the Antique puzzle), in „Viharnak kitett szavak által.” Tanulmányok Bacsó Béla hatvanadik születésnapjára, ed. Zoltán Papp (Budapest: ELTE-BTK, 2012), 577-584
“C. G. Carus – Művészet és tudomány között” (Carl Gustav Carus – Between art and science), in Tudósok a megismerés színterein, ed. Dezső Gurka (Budapest: Gondolat, 2012), 281-290
“Segnata dalla storia. Berlino e i suoi simboli (Signed by history. Berlin and its symbols), in Sguardi sulle città in trasformazione, ed. Laura Ricca (Imola: Editrice La Mandragora, 2012), 149-158
“Ráció és művészet” (Reason and art), in Lábjegyzetetek Platónhoz 10. Az ész, ed. Sándor Laczkó – Emese Faragó (Szeged: Státus, 2012), 177-182
“A rom a romantikában” (The ruin in Romanticism), in A középkor vetületei, ed. Dezső Gurka (Budapest: Gondolat, 2011), 171-179
“Dipinti dalla serie McSwiny” (Paintings of the McSwiny-series), in Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna. Catalogo Generale vol. IV. (Seicento e Settecento), ed. Gian Piero Cammarota et. al. (Venezia: Marsilio, 2011), 188-195, 211-215
“Kühne Einheit – Una totalità audace” (On the works of Franz Wibmer), in DolomitenDomino 1, ed. Anja Werkl (Wien-Bozen: Folio Verlag, 2011), 88-89
“The Clean Room as a Work of Art” in Art Colony Cered: 1996-2010, ed: Csaba Fürjesi et. al. (Cered: Ars Longa Művészeti Egyesület, 2011), 66-71
“A Tieck-fivérek és Göttingen” (The Tieck-brothers and Göttingen), in Göttingen dimenziói, ed. Dezső Gurka (Budapest: Gondolat, 2010), 89-99
“A műterem” (The Studio. On some characteristics of the painting of Caspar David Friedrich), in A romantika terei, ed. Dezső Gurka (Budapest: Gondolat, 2009), 131-145
“The Journey of István Nádler,” in ...függőleges... / ...vertical... – Nádler István. Exh. cat., ed. Anna Bálványos (Budapest: Ludwig Museum, 2008), 69-76, 174-181
“Egy szép napon mi magunk is régiek leszünk” (“One day also we will be old”), in A festmény ideje – Az újraértelmezett hagyomány. Exh. cat., ed. Brigitta Muladi – Nóra Veszprémi (Budapest: Hungarian National Gallery, 2007), 21-25
Work descriptions in Ungarn in Mariazell – Mariazell in Ungarn. Geschichte und Erinnerung, Exh. cat. ed. Péter Farbaky – Szabolcs Serfőző (Budapest: Kiscelli Múzeum, 2004), 484-488, 496
Building descriptions in the Art and architecture topographical handbook of the city of Székesfehérvár, ed. Géza Antal Entz (Budapest: Osiris, 2009)
Review essays:
“Poetry, Painting, Park. Goethe and Claude Lorrain (on Franz R. Kempf’s book),” British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 62 no. 1. (2022): 149-151
“The Ruins Lesson. Meaning and Material in Western Culture (on Susan Stewarts’ book),” Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology, Vol. 8. no. 1. (2021): 81-84
“To Touch the Past (Book forum on Carolyn Korsmeyer, Things: In Touch with the Past),” Studi di estetica XLIX (2021/1): 262-266
“Explorations of the Landscape (François Jullien, Living Off Landscape or the Unthought-of in Reason),” The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 59 (2020): 129-132
“The Recurrent Actuality of the Baroque (on Else Marie Bukdahl’s book),” Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology Vol. 6 no. 1 (2019): 89-93
“Stimulating ruins – Contemporary Artists’ responses to decay (Julia Schleis et al., eds., Contemporary Ruins / Ruinen der Gegenwart),” The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 55-56 (2018): 172-175
“A Varázsfuvola koordinátái” (The coordinates of the Magic Flute. On Jan Assmann’s book), Magyar Filozófiai Szemle – Hungarian Philosophical Review 2014/2: 151-153
“Scramble for the Past (On Zainab Bahrani, Zeynep Çelik and Edhem Eldem ed.: Scramble for the past. A Story of Archaeology in the Ottoman Empire, 1753-1914),” European Journal of Archaeology 17/2 (2014): 361-365
“The Multi-layered Patterns of a Conversation” (On Manfred Milz ed.: Facing Mental Landscapes. Self-Reflections in the Mirror of Nature) The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 46 (2013/2): 132-135
“Progresszív egyetemes poézis” (On Magdolna Orosz’ book titled Progressive Universal Poetry), Passim X/1 (2008): 162-167
“Maarten Doorman: A romantikus rend” (On Maarten Doorman’s book titled The Romantic Order), Passim IX/1 (2007): 143-146
“Angyalfej, természetes nagyságban” (Angel’s head, life-size. On Walter Benjamin’s two book), Holmi 2006/12: 1726-1728
Articles, essays, critiques and interviews:
“Contemporary visions of architectural decay. Artistic documentation of ruins and ruined spaces by Markos Kampanis” – in Μάρκος Καμπάνης, έργα 1990-2020 (=Markos Kampanis. Works 1990-2020; Athens, National Library of Greece, 2023), 175-178
“Editorial,” HAS – Humanities, Arts and Society Magazine 4 (2022)
“Conversation with Sinisa Vlajkovic,” in Sinisa Vlajkovic: Anachronicles 1995-2020 (Belgrade, 2021), 25-37
“Editorial,” HAS – Humanities, Arts and Society Magazine 3 (2021)
“Editorial,” HAS – Humanities, Arts and Society Magazine 2 (2021): 4-5
“Inspiration through Information. Visual Arts between Big Data and Singularities,” HAS – Humanities, Arts and Society Magazine 1 (2020): 136-149
“Feast of Art,” Text in the catalogue of the exhibition: Cantum-Combine, curated by Elham Shafaei, Kuala Lumpur: Richard Koh Fine Art (2020): 13
“Distorted Reflections. Ahmed Morsi,” Selections – Art / Style / Culture from the Arab World and Beyond 41 (2017/2): 20
“Expanding Waves. Sharjah Biennial 13,” Art Africa 8 (2017/3): 46-49
“Artificialisation in situ. Interactions and interconnections between Nature and art,” Al Tashkeel 28 (2017/1): 92-99
“The Surrealist Time Capsule. Kamal Youssef,” Art Africa 6 (2017/1): 172-175
“Working for the Artwork. On the exhibition of Charbel-joseph H. Boutros,” Selections – Art / Style / Culture from the Arab World and Beyond 39 (2016/6): 33
“Solid Visions of an Idea. In conversation with the photographer of Tor Seidel,” Selections – Art / Style / Culture from the Arab World and Beyond 39 (2016/6): 30-31
“Self-definition Through Time,” Art Africa 4 (2016/2): 178-181
“The Art of Home. Home Ground – collective exhibition at Barjeel Foundation,” Selections – Art / Style / Culture from the Arab World and Beyond 36 (2016/3): 20
“Concrete Concepts. Exhibition at the Sharjah Art Foundation,” Selections – Art / Style / Culture from the Arab World and Beyond 35 (2016/2): 26
“Azeri Aspirations – Overview of the Contemporary Art Scene in Azerbaijan,” Contemporary Practices. Visual Arts from the Middle East Vol. XVII (2016/1): 22-31
“Hub in the Making,” Art Africa 3 (2016/1): 38-41
“The arts should never be seen in isolation. In conversation with Antonia Carver, Fair Director of Art Dubai,” Art Africa 3 (2016/1): 98-101
“Shaikha Al Mazrou: Ironic Experiments,” Art Africa 3 (2016/1): 140-143
“Weakening Walls. Exhibition at the Barjeel Art Foundation,” Selections – Art / Style / Culture from the Arab World and Beyond 34 (2016/1): 20
“Boundless Budapest. Art Market Budapest – International Contemporary Art Fair,” Selections – Art / Style / Culture from the Arab World and Beyond 33 (2015/5): 33
“Constructing the Landscape. Considerations on the appreciation and representation of the beauty of Nature,” Al Tashkeel 23 (2015/2): 84-95
“Celebrating Terracotta. Studio Terra in Kikinda,” Selections – Art / Style / Culture from the Arab World and Beyond 32 (2015/4): 24
“When now meets then. Exhibition of Hazem Harb,” Selections – Art / Style / Culture from the Arab World and Beyond 31 (2015/3): 22
“Music in colour. Asaad Arabi’s Return to Abstraction,” Selections – Art / Style / Culture from the Arab World and Beyond 31 (2015/3): 23
“Sprouting cities on an infinite plane. On Damien Flood’s works,” Selections – Art / Style / Culture from the Arab World and Beyond 31 (2015/3): 32
“The Scope of Art. On Progress and Process in Art and Science,” Al Tashkeel 22 (2015/1): 60-69
“Memory through art. Aide-mémoire at Barjeel Art Foundation, Sharjah,” Selections – Art / Style / Culture from the Arab World and Beyond 30 (2015/2): 21-22
“The possible instead of the unpredictable. Sharjah Biennial 2015,” Selections – Art / Style / Culture from the Arab World and Beyond 30 (2015/2): 32-34
“The space for art – Aged places as context for inspiration,” Contemporary Practices. Visual Arts from the Middle East Vol. XVI (2015/1): 22-27
“An eye on design. Interview with Dr. Amina Al Rustamani about Dubai Design District,” Selections – Art / Style / Culture from the Arab World and Beyond 29 (2015/1): 90-93
“In conversation with Sheikh Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi,” Selections – Art / Style / Culture from the Arab World and Beyond 29 (2015/1): 132-133
“Discover and be discovered. Start art fair, Saatchi Gallery, London,” Contemporary Practices. Visual Arts from the Middle East Vol. XV (2014/2): 14-19
“Developing critically engaged audience. Interview with Çelenk Bafra, Curator of Istanbul Modern,” Contemporary Practices. Visual Arts from the Middle East Vol. XV (2014/2): 20-27
“Barbarians instead? Fragile dichotomy at the 13th Istanbul Biennial 2013,” Contemporary Practices. Visual Arts from the Middle East Vol. XIV (2014/1): 14-21
“From the regional to the global market. MENASA artists in Western galleries,” Contemporary Practices. Visual Arts from the Middle East Vol. XIV (2014/1): 28-41
“Wide perspectives. Contemporary arts in Central Asia,” Contemporary Practices. Visual Arts from the Middle East Vol. XIII (2013/2): 70-75
“On the boom and value of contemporary art scene in Turkey,” Contemporary Practices. Visual Arts from the Middle East Vol. XII (2013/1): 66-72
“Art Dubai,” Nuktaart – Biannual Contemporary Art Magazine of Pakistan, Vol. 7/2 (2012): 66-70
“A pusztulás vonzása” (The fascination of ruination), Café Bábel 72. (2013/1): 3-11
“William Klein and Daido Moriyama,” ICE – Istanbul Contemporary etc. 9 (2012 Nov.): 110-111
“Collectionner Gabor Hunya. Interview,” ICE – Istanbul Contemporary etc. 9 (2012 Nov.): 42-44
“Migrasophia. Exhibition at Maraya Art Centre, Sharjah, UAE,” ICE – Istanbul Contemporary etc. 7 (2012 June): 98
Artist catalogues:
“Matter”. Catalogue of the online exhibition of Ádám Magyar’s works, curated by Zoltán Somhegyi in ContemporaryIdentities Online Art Gallery, 2021 (in English)
Mannequins. Catalogue of Tor Seidel’s photographs. Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld, 2018, co-authored with Richard Weihe (in English and German)
Catalogue of André Wagner. Chemnitz, 2017 (in English and German)
Catalogue of the exhibition of Siniša Vlajković, curated by Zoltán Somhegyi at Makina Gallery, Pula, Croatia, 2015 (in English and Croatian)
"Passing By..." Catalogue of Aida Mahmudova's exhibition at Leila Heller Gallery, New York, 2015 (in English)
Catalogue of the "Cornucopia" Exhibition, curated at the University of Sharjah, UAE, 2015 (in English and Arabic)
Catalogue of Siniša Vlajković, CUBO Centro Unipol di Bologna, Italy, 2014 (in English and Italian)
Catalogue of Çetin Erokay. Izmir, 2014 (in English and Turkish)
Fragmentum. Budapest, 2013. (in English and Hungarian)
Catalogue of István Sinkó. Budapest, 2013 (in English and Hungarian)
Catalogue of Ádám Magyar. Budapest, 2011 (in English and Hungarian)
Catalogue of Bibekananda Santra. Balatonfüred, 2011 (in English and Hungarian)
Trió. Catalogue of Anikó Robitz and Ákos Czigány. Budapest, 2010 (in Hungarian)
The Danish Waves of Light. Catalogue of four Danish Photographers: Per Bak Jensen, Torben Eskerod, Trine Sondergaard and Ebbe Stub Wittrup. Budapest, 2010 (in English and Hungarian)
Catalogue of Ákos Bánki. Budapest, 2010 (in English and Hungarian)
Liberolibroessgi. Rivisitazione di libri. Catalogue of artists’ books. Ravenna, 2009 (in Italian)
Catalogue of István Nádler. Budapest, 2009 (in English)
Catalogue of István Halmi-Horváth. Budapest, 2009 (in English and Hungarian)
Catalogue of Károly Halász. Kalocsa-Paks, 2009 (in Hungarian, co-author)
Catalogue of Maria Cristina Pacelli. Bologna, 2008 (in Italian and English)
Catalogue of László Alföldi, Budapest, 2008 (in Hungarian, co-author)
Catalogue of Antal Vásárhelyi. Budapest, 2008 (in English, Italian and Hungarian)
Catalogue of Éva T. Horváth. Budapest, 2008 (in English and Hungarian)
Catalogue of Ferencz Tóth. Budapest, 2007 (in English and Hungarian, co-author)
Apart from these ca. 200 articles, reviews and critiques on classical and contemporary art, art market and architecture, mainly in Hungarian.
Publications on art collections:
Between 2008 and 2012 writing and editing of eight booklets presenting art collections, published by EDGE Communications, Budapest, Hungary.
Book copy-editing:
Délia Vékony, Lost in Art (Budapest: Underground Publisher, 2011)
Jeremy Lewison, Henry Moore (Budapest: Taschen/Vince Kiadó, 2008)
Review of my work:
Book Symposium on my book: “Reviewing the Past” in: Philosophia. A Global Journal of Philosophy, 2022, Volume 50, issue 4:
Zoltán Somhegyi: Précis of the Book: Reviewing the Past. The Presence of Ruins
(Rowman & Littlefield International, 2020)
Philosophia. A Global Journal of Philosophy, 50 (2022/4): 1517-1522
András Czeglédi: Becoming their Own Monuments Approaches to Somhegyi’s New Book;
Philosophia. A Global Journal of Philosophy, 50 (2022/4): 1523-1527
Kathleen Higgins: Zoltan Somhegyi’s Reviewing the Past: The Aesthetics, Irony, and Authenticity of Ruins;
Philosophia. A Global Journal of Philosophy, 50 (2022/4): 1529-1536
Sandra Shapshay: “The Environmental Presence of Ruins: On Zoltán Somhegyi’s Reviewing the Past: The Presence of Ruins”;
Philosophia. A Global Journal of Philosophy, 50 (2022/4): 1537-1551
Zoltán Somhegyi: Reviewing the Past. The Presence of Ruins
Response to Kathleen Higgins, Sandra Shapshay and András Czeglédi
Philosophia. A Global Journal of Philosophy, 50 (2022/4): 1553-1562
Other reviews:
Scott G. Williams: The Aesthetics and Power of Ruins. A review of Zoltán Somhegyi, Reviewing the Past: The Presence of Ruins.
Architectural Histories 10(1), 2022: 18-24
Lisa Giombini: Review of Zoltán Somhegyi’s book: “Reviewing the Past”
Studi di Estetica XLVIII (3/2020): 240-246
Lővei Pál: Rom-séták passzióból. (review of my book: “Reviewing the Past”)
BUKSZ. Budapest Review of Books 32/2-3 (2020 summer-autumn): 115-119
Marsó Paula: Szoba kilátással. (review of my book: “The Impenetrable Beyond”)
Élet és Irodalom 56/14 (6 April, 2012): 20